Friday, 26 October 2012

Ring ding ding ding....

I'll go for:

Pole: Vettel (or Wettel as the Indians would say)
Win: Vettel
F/Lap: Vettel - hey, why not...


  1. Why do the mad men take out Button, Alonso or Hamilton, never Vettel? Probably because he is away and clear before the midfield mayhem starts!
    Anyway for India,I suggest:
    Pole- Hamilton,
    Win- Vettel,
    FL- Vettel.

  2. I fear that Buddah is much the same as Korea anmd the result will be the same. So....
    Pole Vettel
    Win Vettel
    FL Rosberg

  3. I'll go for pole vettel win Hamilton fl vettel. greeting from glasgow!
